Memorial Day Weekend Kicks Off Peak Algae Season

May 24, 2024
"As we approach Memorial Day Weekend, we must prepare for the resurgence of toxic algae blooms” - Jan Spin

Memorial Day marks the unofficial start of summer when families flock to lakes, rivers, and beaches to beat the heat. But before hitting your local water body, BlueGreen has a critical warning - Beware the Bloom!

"As we approach Memorial Day Weekend, we must prepare for the resurgence of toxic algae blooms,"  said Jan Spin, President of Americas, BlueGreen. "With families flocking to lakes and waterways during this holiday weekend, our Beware the Bloom! campaign is raising awareness about the risks posed by harmful algal blooms. Safeguarding public health and ensuring a safe, enjoyable experience for all is crucial — and it’s our top priority."

As temperatures rise, the conditions become ripe for harmful algal blooms (HABs) to take over water bodies. Fueled by excess nutrients and warmer temperatures, cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae, can multiply rapidly and form blooms. These eruptions often produce toxins that can sicken people and pets, threaten drinking water supplies, drive down property values, and hurt businesses, livelihoods, and local economies.

“During the summer months, the frequency and severity of algae blooms rises exponentially,” said Spin. “Detecting and treating these blooms early is critical to reducing health risks and preserving aquatic ecosystems.” 

The Dangers

Photo Credit: The Centers For Disease Control And Prevention
“Look for a bluish-green film, scum, or mats on the surface of the water. If you see these possible signs of an outbreak, leave the area” - Dr. Jessica Frost

These blooms will have bluish-green discoloration, mats, and foul odors. Exposure to the toxins can cause rashes, stomach cramps, nausea, diarrhea, and even liver damage. Dogs are especially vulnerable to poisoning if they drink contaminated water.

“Before heading to your local water body this weekend, make sure to check for advisories, but also keep in mind that not all water sources are regularly monitored for the potential presence of toxic algal blooms,”  advises Dr. Jessica Frost, BlueGreen's Scientific Director. “Look for a bluish-green film, scum, or mats on the surface of the water. If you see these possible signs of an outbreak, leave the area.”

Bloom Drivers

Photo Credit: Aerial Associates Photography, Inc., by Zachary Haslick

Rising nutrient pollution coupled with warm temperatures create the perfect conditions for cyanobacteria to rapidly multiply. Once a bloom takes hold, it can expand quickly across a whole lake or river.

These HAB events threaten drinking water sources, harm aquatic life, close beaches, and hurt lakefront economies and property values when recreating is off-limits.

The problem is widespread, impacting water bodies in all 50 states. But solutions start locally by tackling the key drivers like fertilizer runoff.

Be Aware

Photo Credit: K_Thalhofer via iStock

Before swimming or boating this summer, authorities urge you to get updated advisories first. Look out for telltale bloom signs like green discoloration, surface scum or mats. If in doubt, stay out to protect your health.

If exposed, rinse off with clean water. For pets, use gloves and give them a thorough wash. Signs of exposure include rashes, cramps, nausea, and diarrhea. Seek medical help if symptoms arise. 

By taking simple precautions, we can all enjoy a safe summer on the water. Beware the Bloom! to avoid harmful algae.

Mountains above a clear lake

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